Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso

Just before the Holiday's, I noticed on several authorized Belles websites, that certain separates went out of production which is a pattern that would indicate new products are forthcoming, and sure enough a new Integrated popped up on the Belles website last week, which appears to be his greatest integrated amp to date. The Virtuoso,
putting out over 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms, HT bypass, Processor loop, MM & MC phono stage, and power meters on the front panel. The unit will be released in March at a price tag of $6495. Given David Belles reputation during the past 30 years, who has always been at the top of his game as perhaps the best solid state engineer designer ever in the states, since musicality has always been his first order of business, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the Virtuoso will fly out the door and winds up on the back order list. Its a real looker.
Very handsome unit. Well done David! Its what we've been waiting for.
Belles made a monoblock product MB-200 that were 200 watts into 8 Ohm and 400 into 4 Ohm. Those amps are stunning and have tons of current capability. They come up on Audiogon every once in a while and are usually around $3,000. They also have a 100K input impedance.
Audiozen come on, only Belles makes musical electronics?

If Belles products were so remarkable why are there next to no dealers.

Yes the Aria does sound like a terrific integrated with a phono, but is it better than an Electrocompaniet or a Unison Research primo which is a hybrid with a tube line stage and a solid state amp?

Or a dozen other well respected companies.

When someone makes ridiculous claims speaks volumes about intention.

We love T plus A electronics never in our posts have we stated that the brand is better then other products that we dont sell or havent compaired it to.

We have reported that when we compared T plus A directly to other brands that we were also testing it was better on these speakers.

Remember Peter Actzel all else is boat anchors quote?

There are many outstanding afforadable and musical amps. Belles may be one of them they are not the only one.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Audiozen come on, only Belles makes musical electronics?

If Belles products were so remarkable why are there next to no dealers.

When someone makes ridiculous claims speaks volumes about intention.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Dave your quote above. Please state your comments more gracefully.  You have a lot to offer, and I appreciate your information at times, please be more helpful and less controversial. I know your a big boy.
Can audiozen enjoy his sharing his enthusiasm for his products? You do all over the place. This is his thread. I don't agree about his view of early production Vandersteens. The early ones do sound different then the newer ones to some extent but they still sounded very very good in their own way. I have always liked Thiel speakers better. But I like to hear about audiozens enthusiasm about his system.  Just like audiozen  words are not end all statements neither are yours. Thanks for sharing your views also. 
audiotroy..Boy, you have missed the boat. You need to eat some brain food. " If Belles products were so remarkable why are there next to no dealers?"  WHAT A LOAD OF HOOEY!!!

More than any other company, Belles has alway been the biggest threat to the retail industry, always clobbering mass mega-bucks electronics sold at the audio establishment retail stores. Belles does not need to be hooked up to a long string of retailers'. Their products sell constantly all year around since they have the strongest word of mouth reputation in the country amongst Musicphiles. All the other companies can only survive with their ongoing magazine ads, and constant audio establishment reviews or they would die on the vine. Not Dave Belles.
I could care less about a retailer here in Seattle carrying the Belles product line. I just pick up the phone, call the Belles dealer in California, and have gear shipped by blue label. And no tax!! Easy Peasy! 
JohnnyR at AudioConnection in New Jersey appears to be a solid decent retailer that caters to both Musicphiles and Audiophiles and operates from a high ethical standard. I know exactly what game your playing, trying to convey a false misleading perception that a high end product is only good if its available everywhere at the top high end retailers in every major city. For those younger, newer Audiophiles/Musicphiles ignore this bunk from audiotroy. And if you happen live in the New Jersey, central east coast area, give JohnnyR a call at AudioConnection if your in buying mode, JohnnyR can give the run down on the magnificence of Belles, the Rolls Royce of solid state.