After Quad ESL's?

I am enjoying listening to Quad esl-63's and to the 57's (which I prefer). And though my wife has enjoyed them also, she informs me that her heretofore acceptance of the visual impact on our living room has been "only out of love." Her valiant endurance of my Quad-love has come to an end, period.

It has been six years.

So, now the time has come:
Speak, Quad owners (and former Quad owners), about what else has worked for you.

I would like a smaller, (than the quad) used speaker that images better than the Quad's. These are some of the directions I am thinking about:
The Vandersteen 2c Signatures are on the large side.
Perhaps a Dynaudio monitor, B&W 802 Matrix Series III, Proac (are there any that aren't excessively bright?). Are Lowthers a possibility, or too hopelessly colored?

I am attracted to ATC and Merlin, My taste runs expensive, but my pocket book (I work as a concert piano technician) runs shallow.

$1500 a pair or less would work best.

I also welcome your synergistic amplification suggestions. So far, I have prefered the sound of tubed equipmnet in the under $1500 per component range. I have recently been captivated by the idea of TVC (transformer volume control) Bent Audio NOH, etc. with a SET. But, the TacT M2150 (integrated without room correction) also intrigues me. Does anyone know how it sounds?

Acutal experience prefered to conjecture. Let it rip, and I thank you in advance for your thoughts and replies.
I have owned Quad 989's, loved listening to them and enjoyed their warm very engaging sweet midrange; however, I made the mistake of A/B ing them against Dynaudio C-1, which thoroughly trounced them in the highs and lows and made it a horse race in the mid range!

I used very fine all tube electronics and a turntable with a Koetsu for the comparison and purist cable.

The C-1 is a small monitor that delivers amazing bass, the coherance of an electrostat and smooth extended highs. The only drawback is the price...$ 6000 pr.
I want to get back to all of you.

I bought a pair of Gallo Ref 3's based on listening to a pair that had been broken by a nearby dealer.

Given how this new pair of ref 3's sounds after 75hrs of break in (apparently only 1/3 of the way through), I would have already returned them if I hadn't heard the dealer's pair. Fabulous tweeter but still searing at this point. I chose these for their:
1) Sound (very refined)
2) Great dispersion/ Imaging
3) Lack of cabinet resonance
4) Bass extention and potential
5) Simplicity of crossover (easy to drive/ tube friendly
6) Highest WAF of ALL (at our house), (I also like the looks)

I have also decided to update my ancient amps (Quad II Mono's, contact me if you are interested in them), and bought a used CJ MV-60, here. I love music, and have loved CJ amps because they make music.

I have used the MV-75, MV-50, Premier 4, Premeir 5's, Mv-55, and now it will be the MV-60. Lew and Bill's company is always a pleasure to deal with for updates and service (of which I have needed little).

I am also going to try a pair of NuForce monos for the second voice coil, and perhaps full range. NuForce makes an amazing new switching amp, small, cool running, and powerful, 100wpc Monos for $1600. I'll try 'em! Word has it that they compare favorably with the highe$t of the high (all bow), THE HALCRO.

I'll be comparing the NuForce amps to the MV-60's holographic midrange, and also the Rowland 201's and we shall see what we shall see.
Should have listened to "The Horns" from the Horn Shoppe! Had two pairs of 57's (my fav), have 989's. Fi"X" and "Horns"-paradise....
great midrange great price
Couldn't agree more with Robyatt, having acquired a pair of Horns a couple of weeks ago for an 8wpc SEP -- still kind of amazed at how good they are by any standard, let alone in relation to their modest size and price.
When someone finally makes a decision and is pleased with it, it's just so nice when you folks chime in to say he should have done something different. How thoughtful of you!