Dad needs phono stage recommendation for daughter

So, my daughter wants a turntable and that made my day. We are looking at entry level tables such as the new Uturn Audio tables, and the Pioneer PLX 1000 being the upper $ limit as she is saving up for this herself. We're looking for a separate MM phono stage that will better the stages that can be found built into some tables. The phono stage will be used with her Peachtree iDecco amp. Of course, a plus would be MM/MC, but our budget is under $500. I am completely unfamiliar with phono stages in this market, so any recommendations?


You have many choices within your budget. Make sure that the one you choose will have enough gain for the cartridge that you are using! Here you go !
Can not go wrong with ...

Parasound Zphono @ $200

Well reviewed.  Performs great.   Parasound also makes a usb version for $50 more.  

Also props to you for setting your daughter up with such a nice system! We need all the young audiophiles we can get.
Jond, those are a couple of great recommendations, but I think we'll be looking at new, because my daughter will need a little time to save up for the phono of choice.  By then, the listings may be gone, so a question of timing.

Yogiboy, I'm somewhat familiar with what's available, but don't have any idea how their sound compares. It would be difficult to compare these in the real world. So, looking for best recommendations  amongst the group of contenders.

Rar1, This is the advice that I'm looking for and will look into the Parasound, so thanks.