Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair

With my budget what speakers would work well with the Denon 4311-ci
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For $2k, I can heartily recommend the Silverline Minuet Grand. Easy to drive, dynamic, superbly coherent and naturally dense midrange. If you don't have a quality sub already, money saved could be applied there, or save up to upgrade amplification. I'll have a review coming out on my site soon. http://taww.co
I have to say that I too like the Vandersteen 2's with an integrated.  I have heard them driven by NAD or Emotive or Rotel or Yamaha's and they always deliver.  They will sound better and better with much more expensive gear adn to me, that's the sign of a great speaker.  If you really want to have a speaker with great tonality, extension, able to move some air in teh room and not fatiguing, you owe it to yourself to bring your amp into a Vandy dealer and listen to your own music.  

There is a reason it's been around since 78 and it's only gotten better and better.  Still as good a value as there is in audio IMHO.  
I vote for a pair of speakers hand crafted by Fritz Heiler. Why pay to support a large company's glitz and overhead when you could be using your purchasing power to get the same top of the line drivers used in the "big box" speakers, superior series crossovers, and hand made, expertly veneered cabinets for much less? Fritz is a one man army. He built me a custom pair with the same configuration as his Rev 7 model but with the 4 ohm 7" Scanspeak Revelator mid-bass driver instead of the 8 ohm, which adds more robust bass and quicker overall response. The teakwood boxes are flawless and look amazing. Fritz takes a personal interest in each customer and will help you choose the best model for your system. Check out the many reviews available online, most of which are linked to on his website.
I own the Aria 926  I think they come in around the $3.5K mark.  I compared them in my house directly against the Sonus Faber in the same price range,  The SF might have been even a few hundred $$ more.  My setup is class D amplification, Tubed Pre, streaming and vinyl.  The SF were the winner for strings and wood but I chose the Aria because I thought the covered the gamut of music I listen to just a little bit better.  I think the Aria are sensitive to room configuration they need space.