Before you start spending money on gear, determine for yourself what kind of midrange and ’presentation’ you like. You may really like something like the disappearing act and clean presentation of a small Harbeth P3esr mated to a good single ended triode amp. Or other, more high efficiency speakers like Audionote; or horns, or single driver speakers. With or without a little subwoofer. You may really prefer a paper cone midrange or soft dome to polypropylene or more exotic material (I do). If you’re in Australia, you are in a very good location to get some great deals on high(ish) end clones coming out of China - like a dartzeel clone or FM acoustics clones on ebay (both less than $1000). And also the tube integrateds like Line Magnetic, Cayin, etc. Finally, you should be able to find very good DACs as well, for equally cheap (less than $1,000) coming out of China and Singapore. Just do some reading and listen to as much as you can. Try to keep it simple and enjoy the journey. :)