What is the future for Proac Speakers ?

I have always enjoyed their speakers and have owned them in the past. However, from what I have heard, they are no longer being imported into the US due to distribution problems, the main engineer is no longer there and Mr. Tyler's future is in question. I also see an increase in Proac's being sold here on Audiogon. Does anybody know what's going on at Proac ????
Hello, New guy here and a novice at that. I recently returned to vinyl and am a kid again, just loving it. Broke my cherry with a impulsive purchase of B&W CM5 full surround with center and a Martin Logan sub. It's truly fine for my movie watching experiences and can remain with it. It's not fine for my vinyl spinning. So I've decided to create a separate system strictly for my vinyl and perhaps future streaming ( as I understand it's improving all the time ) I recently visited Pro-Musica in Chicago and those dudes are informed ( I know coming from me that's not saying much ) Listened to a smaller pair of Proac and they were lovely but when I pointed to a tower that wasn't set up he responded that they were his favorite all time speakers ( he's big into classical ) They did blow me away in a clean beautiful way, the clarity was superb. However he was also promoting a "Naim Audio" streaming device & amp in one called "Unity Star "
 Any suggestions from those out there who know and may help me get it right the first time? I won't have the funds to correct any expensive errors.  My music room is a space I built over my garage, it's 20x24 with a high pitched roof/ceiling ( about 13-14 feet at the top, think chalet )
 Will the DR 30's be sufficient ( or should I save more money and wait to upgrade up from there? Does the Naim Audio piece I mentioned fall short in properly driving the DR30's or perhaps the next speaker up? ( I do like the streaming capabilities as well as the phono input and a USB input for an extensive enhanced digital library I intend on pulling from as well ) Plus I believe an additional input.
Thank you in advance for your opinions on how best to spend my money. ( BTW, I sold my beloved Triumph TR6 ( if anyone knows what that is ) for other reasons but mainly to bring beautiful music into my new garage room.  Also, should I consider used and if so how do I know it's not used and perhaps abused?   Thanks a ton.  
I am glad that PROAC are ok, I was little concerned about them as there is so little reviews as to their speakers in the English HiFi magazines espescially in the last 5 years. I often read about B&W speakers, Spendor, Quad, Riga, Monitor Audio, ATC to name but a few but alas no Proac...?
For whatever reason, the company seems to keep a very low profile; I don't see them at shows, they don't seem to push their speakers on reviewers or do the other things that get notice.  But, I like how they sound.  At a local dealership, I get to hear them along with a couple of other British designs (Audio Note and Harbeth).  If you like a very warm sound, the Audio Note speakers fit the bill; for a leaner sound, I actually prefer the ProAcs over most of what Harbeth offers (Harbeths have a slightly sibilant edginess in the treble range).  Of course, all of these brands are terrific.
First time Proac user here, I'm trying the db1, fantastic speakers, I'm now seriously looking at the d30r. I cannot believe it took me this long to try Proac, I'm a longtime Dynaudio fan but after 17 years, I'm ready to make a change ( although I'll probably keep a c1 on rotation ;). Initially I was thinking Harbeth and Proac wasn't even on my radar, luckily a dealer was talking about the British sound and I remember I used to read quite regularly about how good Proac was years ago(but lately haven't heard from them since) and I tried a pair, to say I'm seriously happy with the Proac sound would be an understatement. BTW can anyone shed some light on how the Tablette sounds differ from the Response series?
Late to the thread---
Stewart Tyler has passed. RIP and thanks for countless hours of listening enjoyment