peachtree amp vs. traditional amp

OK, I'm a newbie, so this is possibly a dumb question.  I am considering a 2 channel amp to listen to music (Tidal or spotify).  I am looking at a traditional looking black box amp by Yamaha or Marantz.  But I've also seen a very small amp by peachtree.  The peachtree seems to be about the same of watts as the others.  How would the sound compare?  It seems that the peachtree is so small, it would not have the same power.  Doesn't size/weight translate to some level of power?  Anyways, has anyone compared a peachtree to a traditional amp of the same power rating?  Please share thoughts.
I have a Peachtree Nova 300 in my bedroom and it sounds awesome. It is easy to use for streaming also. i highly recommend it.

Thanks Bubba.  Did you compare it to a traditional amp?  I just don't understand why everyone else requires more space/weight to amplify than Peachtree.  Do they have some proprietary technology that no one else has?
The Peachtree is a Class D amp which requires a digital power supply.  They do not generate much heat and do not have many parts so the boxes are quite small.  Most of the other amps are Class AB which means more parts and heat.  Personally, I do not like the Class D sound.  Too cold and sterile for my taste.
Hi Dougmint...Stay away from Class D,IMO it just can’t compare with good tubes or Mosfet Class A/AB...Look at the older Peachtree Audio Nova and Decco...Also if you have the budget look at the WONDERFUL Quad VA-One,the highly musical iFi Audio Stereo 50 and if you want the best there’s the McIntosh MHA 100/150...
I recently changed my office system from KEF LS50 speakers + Parasound A23 amp + Benchmark DAC2 HGC to the following, KEF LS50 + Peachtree Nova 150.

The sound is clearer and better in my opinion over the prior combination. The Peachtree also has a preamp section that I think is better than the preamp section on the Benchmark. However, the DAC section of the Benchmark is better than that of the Peachtree. The Peachtree is also much better at lower volumes than the Parasound A23 amp. So over all, I am getting much more musical satisfaction with the Peachtree based system..

I am going to audition a $10K Luxman integrated amp at the end of the month and I am going to take the Peachtree with me just to see how it stacks up. That is how much I like the Peachtree, I expect the Luxman to be better but I am interested to see how much better.

I am upgrading my office system and moving the Peachtree to the bedroom. This system is a very long term keeper.