Looking for not too expensive Turntable

I want a vintage turntable for a second system with a tube amplifier. I read the Pioneer PL-12 is good sounding without any jitter due to being belt drive. I can actually hear jitter. I owned a direct drive TT and it had jitter. My Garrard 401 did not have any jitter either. Suggestions? Pioneer PL-12 good?

When it comes to vintage turntables, nothing can beat the price/quality of Technics SP-10MKII (i use teak wood custom plinth), a little bit cheaper and quite rare is Technics SP-20 (i have a spare one). Adding tonearm like Victor UA-7045 will not make this combo much more expensive. Plinth or no plinth is a matter of taste. I would suggest Technics is the best DD choice when it's reasonably priced on used market (best buy, imo).
A PL-12D in good condition can be found for under $200. As a budget TT probably as good as any of the new ones under $400. What is your budget?
I am eyeballing the Pioneer PLX-1000 (new) as there are some really nice reviews out there. I've seen it as low as $613, but I don't know what your budget is? Upturn Audio has an Orbit Special or Custom for less than the Pioneer that also has my attention.