What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 
Everything but the CD Player and the Turntable.

10 Years Ago, the CD Player was a Pioneer Elite PD-65, today, it is an Oppo Digital BDP-95 Universal Player.

There was no Turntable 10 Years Ago. Today my Turntable Rig consists of a Thorens TD-160 (1971)/Jelco SA-750D/Sumiko BPS EVOIII. And it is plugged into a PS Audio GCPH Phono Preamplifier.

Otherwise, Preamplifier (Adcom GFP-750), and Power Amplifier (Adcom GFA-545 MkII) are pushing close to 20 Years Old, and my Speaker System (KEF Reference 102 w/KUBE) is almost 30, and that whole rig is STILL rocking!!

FM Tuner too. My Magnum Dynalab FT-101 is 32 Years Old.

What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

Impedance matched Passive preamp 10, 20, 30 40 years ago 

Cheers George  
   B&W dm303 speakers with B&W asw300 sub still here.
   Replaced Hafler dh100 pre with Modwright 9.0 swl ss rectified
   just about a month ago.
   Replaced Hafler dh220 with McCormack DNA1  two years ago.
   These proved to be great upgrades....both bought here on Agon.
    Amp from TMR,and Modwright from a great guy here also
    who endured my lengthy emails and was very helpful and sent
    me a pre amp in pristine condition.
    Monster ic's have also survived.....by default but I'm not                 complaining .
     Have a Pink Triangle tt with Fidelity Research arm sitting on
sidelines for awhile now....Yamaha cdp to Harman Kardon cdp to 
Eastern Electric cdp. One of these days ...will get the Pink back
up and get to listen to records again...maybe.

Conrad Johnson Premier 12 tube monoblock amps, 140W/side.
I've had them since the late 90's (as I remember).

Possibly my best purchase.  I love tubes, but needed some that would drive a large variety of speakers (as I switch speakers pretty often).   The CJs have driven every single speaker design I've had, of many different designs (including my MBL Omni monitors - very low efficiency) with exceptional control, punch, delicacy and gorgeous tonality. 
I don't think I'll be giving them up soon.