Indeed, the recurring crackpot argument is that scientific facts do not exist and that you should follow your subjective impressions. That makes people easy targets for snake oil sellers (many of them here) and audiophilia nervosa, leading to frequent buying and selling of vastly overpriced gear.
>>>>>>Actually, there is no such argument by anybody that scientific facts don’t exist. Quite the contrary. It’s usually the non technical types, but sometimes supposed technical ones, who claim that controversial tweaks 🐍 you know, the ones they either don’t understand or ones they choose not to subscribe to, disobey the sacred Laws of Physics or Electronics or some other field of science. The ones they most likely never studied themselves or, if they did, slept peacefully through class. The two most commonly used fake arguments by skeptics are (1) it will never pass a controlled double blind test and (2) it disobeys the Laws of Science. (They’re never quite sure which one). Of course, the whole “it disobeys the Laws of Science” ploy is obviously a Strawman Argument, a fallacious argument.
As someone posted on one of these forums, “only quote facts.”