Somebody asked, Can anyone explain that to me in a non-technical manner?
To which atmosphere replied,
“Yes. Anytime you see the word ’quantum’ associated with an audio product, it is an indication that you should turn around and run! as hard as you can until you are a very long distance away. Of course, you won’t get away from the quantum, but you might be a bit further away from where you saw the word. And maybe also the audio product in which it is supposed to reside.”
>>>>>>With these exceptions: Bybee Quantum Purifiers, WA Quantum Chips, Silver Rainbow Foil, Quantum Clip, the Red x Pen, Morphic Message Labels and The Super Intelligent Chip and of course The Teleportation Tweak and a great many others. And everybody’s favorite - the Photos in the Freezer Tweak. 😳 Let’s not forget the humble CD laser is a Quantum thingamabob.
There is almost no line dividing Quantum Mechanics from Standard Physics. 😬