Shopping at Goodwill anyone?

I check out Goodwill a couple times a month for CD's . the audio equipment is not much to speak of ...until today. I saw this pair of Yamaha NX-E150 bookshelf speakers. All wood thick cabinet, 4.5" coned woofer and 1" tweeter.  I picked them up and they felt pretty substantial by weight.  hum...$6.99 each what do I have to lose.  Got home and set them up , put on my favorite B S and Tears SACD and WOW!  I was blown away...great imaging and soundstage.  They sound 4x as big as they are!   Happy Hunting today!
electronics usually go out to the shelves near last in the sorting, testing and pricing workday.

you have to go in at approx 2:30pm, and be there until about 4pm. Arriving past 4pm means you probably missed the good stuff.

the pickers (which would be you, if you follow that schedule) will get the best, generally, if you go to the given store past those times.

I rely upon people’s ignorance but the pickers are getting to be too good and too many of them.

by all means stop in if driving by. It’s like fishing. You can’t expect to catch your fish with one single cast. You have to cast that line lots of times.

This means visit. Often. And pick the right times and right stores.
Goodwill International CEO Jim Gibbons made $729,000 in salary and deferred compensation in 2017, nowhere near what comparable CEOs make....
I got a pair of Large Advents for a dollar at Goodwill, got a working Fisher 400 tube receiver for $30.00. Unclaimed repair at small town electronics store. It’s not a rip off if the seller doesn’t know what he has.