Do i belong here

Hi iam a simple cobbler from the uk ,18 years ago i spent £5000 on a system called Caspian Roksan with ruark prologue one speakers which sounds great ,but looking at what other people have got i'm not sure i belong here.
Thats great .mine sounds great also.but when you see some of the systems here you wonder ,makes your ears water.also i got it wrong before it is 24 years old.
cobbone1 ...

Not to worry. One of the most outspoken members here uses a Sony Walkman for his system. 

I think the only people who don't belong here are the ones who purchased that systems to show them off to their friends and family, without enjoying the music.
All others who bought something to enjoy music, even a pocket radio, have joined in these forums and chimed in.
Welcome back to the hobby and have fun!
cobbone1 - That’s the first trap most people fall into -i.e., "More money = better sound". System matching, room treatment and reasonable expectations are far more productive.
P.S. What is a "squeezebox"?