SB Acoustics 12” SB34NRXL75-8


I have bought pair of 12” SB34NRXL75-8 1 year ago, I made a custom cabinet for them and crossover. However, I have tried the best result was not very satisfying. I wonder, if anyone can give me any advice for cabinet (material-dimension), and also what kind of crossover should I have to use on it if you have any scheme I will be appreciated. I will use them in HiFi system, in range of lowest Hz to 120 Hz.

Thank You,

You don't mention anything about a midrange or tweeter, without which, there's no need of a crossover and an unsatisfying result would be a given .   Any advise, regarding cabinet sizes,  compatible components and crossovers, can be gotten from the guys at Madisound(they stock that 12").   It seems a waste, using a 12" only for freqs above 120Hz, but......