Audio Repair in NJ???

I own Audio Valve Eclipse Preamp, which has a sudden issue with XLR outputs stopped working (RCA outs work fine). I need this XLR out to connect to the power amp with only XLR input. Do you know anyone in NJ or nearbys doing this kind of repair work?
I am in Montville New Jersey  I build my own components and have been repairing audio gear for 20 or more years.  My partner is located in Bernardsville so you can drop it off with him.  Send me a message through audiogon.
You were much wiser than me to ask for help here on this forum first.  I just recently shipped my Eclipse back to Mr. Becker in Germany.  I could have saved a lot of shipping cost dollars which could have gone towards the repair.  But on the other hand, I can get the amp back to the builders specs as he intended and I should have a near new pre-amp upon its' return.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.
What was your problem with the Eclipse?
My problem started after performing "cleaning the contact" on the selection knob #9 as suggested by the user manual. I contacted Mr. Becker, who responded to my initial email, but none on the following emails. I am done with any audio gear from foreign country.
Another option within 30 minutes from you is Bob Backert in Buck County, PA, near the NJ border.

Bob has developed an outstanding reputation as a repair person and honest man.  He served for decades as one of the repair people at a large dealership in the area.  After they went under, he went off by himself performing repairs and mods.  He's extended that to now producing his own preamplifiers, which have received high praise
I never thought about John from Audio Connection.  He's been in the business a long while and sells tube amps.  In fact I bought a Music Reference tube amp from him years back.  I would consider him first and give him a call, or stop by the store.