Best Speakers with a DNA-1?

I don't want to hijack the contemporaneous discussion of "Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair" on another thread (question by @spendmoney), but I'm curious to know if any of the answers would have been different if the amp were a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe instead of the Denon 4311-ci.  I'm using this amp to power a pair of Polk LSIM 707's now, and am contemplating my next move.  If any of the responders to that post would care to weigh in here, I'd appreciate it.
@ctsooner ,
Thanks for the detailed reply. This is all new to me.
Right now, I am using the Ayre Codex with the Bluesound Node, and really can't find fault with it-especially the price.
I should probably try using the Codex as a volume control, but I am still playing with all my nice new amps.

I wonder if you need the Synchro Mesh? I think the TMP comes with all the software, which includes the Clock Mapper.
-BTW, Sam called me shortly after I left a message on the website and explained a few things. I was primarily interested in the software, but it seems the Mini might be something worth looking at. It has all the software, as well as the drive and storage at a really nice price. I have to call him and see how it can integrate with my Bluesound Node. I really like having wireless music throughout the house.
Bob, no a decent preamp will be better for volume control than the Codex will give you.  They spent a ton more money on the QX5/20 headphone amp and volume control.  

bob, send me your email again please. I can't find it.  Sam is the BEST. He's a good guy who cares.  Teh software and other updates he offers really make a huge difference.  That mini is a great unit too.  

The Synchro Mesh is an amazing piece.  What it would do it give me flexibility to use a sp/diff instead of the optical.  The TV only has an optical out, so I would need to use it if I want a different input into TMP.  Sam said he will turn on the optical input if I want but if it will degrade the sound at all, I won't do that.
Whoops, sorry for hijacking the thread..
I, too, would like to know if you have auditioned any speakers.
@offnon57 — thanks for asking, but no — I did pick up a cheap TT, though!  If you or anyone listening know where I can listen to Vandys and Maggie’s anywhere near Pasadena, please let me know.

Getting back to the early thread for a minute, there is one thing I wanted to follow up on. I’m sure it’s true that Vandersteen keeps improving their line, but have they changed them enough to make them better than the Vandys in the used market?  For the price of a new pair of 2Cs, I can probably pick up a pair of Treos in very good shape; where is the price break point?  If earlier comments are true, the old 2Cs are ‘magical’ — how much more magical can they get?