Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
Ordered a pair of Goldenjacks 10 db attenuators. Will see if it reduces the hum, without affecting the sonics ( doubtful ). If this does not work, might need to go back to passive ( never liked ), change to a lower gain preamp, or a different amp ( although I do like the STA 200 ). I gave up on tubes a while ago.
Just do what i did. I have a tube pre amp and the high gain causes the hiss to become louder thAn normal. I have zu 101 db speakers. Order the Schiit $49 passive preamp and place between pre and nuforce. Adjust the schiit volume to an accepttable level where hum is not heard at sitting position. Very transparent and better than attenuators. I tried attenuators and the sound was slightly smeared. No noticable sound quality reduction with the Schiit. 
@aberyclark Thanks for the recommendation. I will try the attenuators when they arrive, and allow them break in time. Hopefully, they do not smear the sound much. If they do not work out, I will see what to do next. Thx. 
Has anyone tried a passive unit with the STA 200 ? ( @aberyclark , did you happen to listen to your Schiit sys direct, w/o preamp ? ). Thanks