Newbie needs Streamer Advise

Hi , I am relatively new to digital streaming and Hi Fi too, for that matter . So I have assembled a modest system and wish to replace my old Windows 7 laptop as my source .                                         My system is currently the following . Laptop with a Cardas Clear USB. Musical Fidelity’s M1CDT transport, A Schiit Yiggy , Rogue RP1 preamp , Dennis Had Inspire SEP amp. Zu Omens , Klipsch RF sub , Monster HTS 1600 Power center . All my tubes are high quality NOS and some new production power tubes.  My Interconnects are unbalanced Morrow MA5, CD has a Morrow Digital Coax , speaker cables are Anti - Cables Level 3. Power cables are Silnote Poseidon and an Analysis digital power cord on the Yiggy .                                       The Klipsch sub and the Monster power center are next up to be replaced . I’m running low power (12 wpc ) and the sub is straight into the wall socket . Right now I have no issues with grounding, noise or amp being underpowered .                                So back to streaming . I’m using Tidal and I am happy with their service. I have fast internet . I am however limited to WI FI for my Connection . I’m considering products like an Aurilic Mini or a Bluenode2 . I want to replace the laptop with something that I could control from an IPhone or IPad . I’m also interested in any experience with Amarro or some of the other services. I would like to budget at $1k as it’s a new venture for me .                           So please chime in and don’t forget to DUMMY DOWN your vocabulary for this neophyte.            Respectfully, Mike B. 
Chromecast Audio, using its bitperfect optical output? See here for that digital output:
If your wifi is not that good, there is an ethernet adaptor as well.
An Apple Airport Express would be a similar alternative, but it needs your smartphone/IPad to be on all the time (and drains its battery).
The Bluesound or Auralic are a good place to start.  I have a Node 2 and it was very easy to set up  and use.  It has an easy to use app and it's only $500.  It has good but not great sound quality.  I think you would find about the same to be true for the Auralic Mini.

Your system looks pretty nice and I think you may want better sound quality than these streamers deliver.   The Bluesound and Auralic Mini are entry level and the rest of your system looks better than that. Let us know if you're looking for something you can hold onto for a while or if you just want to try out streaming at a low cost.
Another vote for Bluesound Node2. Use its analog RCA outputs into your Rogue RP1, I think you would appreciate the audio and ease of operation.

I am listening to Vault 2 (analog outputs) through my LS28 and it’s very gratifying.

And I agree with Matt, get rid of Monster Power Center and invest in a decent power distributor.
Cause analogs outs from Node 2 will allow you to hear best of both worlds, 16bit/44.1kHz and 24bit/192kHz (MQA). The Node 2 internal DAC and RP-1’s Tube output stage is more than capable of ringing all the fine nuances in high resolution/ redbook files.

That’s one less component in the chain, keep it simple!