Totem Arro vs Totem Sttaf. Which one image better?

Hi guys. I been wanting to buy a pair of totem but not looking to spend over 2000. Just want something that really image and stage well. My listening room is small so both speakers will be powerful enough. Any one heard these two side by side? I keep reading thar arro image the best, is this true? Just going after the best imaging and sound stage that will disappear in my room. Thanks for your input.
Arros are amazing for their size with the right amp and image as well as most anything I have heard when set up well.

LEss familiar with Sttaf. They might be just as good or better in the right application I suspect.
Good imaging helps with musicality IMHO in that music is a 3 (actually 4 including time) dimensional phenomenon in nature and a large soundstage with good placement within along with "air" helps one sort through the music better, much like a larger screen HDTV or movie screen helps one see what is going on better.
Good imaging and soundstage helps with 3 of 4 dimensions. The 4th is time. Coherence is the aspect of sound that matters there. Good imaging + soundstage + coherence sets the table for all teh rest to really excel and reach maximum potential..
Your room dimensions, it's listening environment strengths and warts, the quality of all the associated equipment, and the speaker placement issues within the room is the alchemy to your satisfaction.


(1) The Arros best the Staffs on just about every level .. Full stop. If you are looking for rock music as your fave genre, look to the Hawks or better as the better choice. The former excel at easy listening, classical and jazz
(2) If you are still married to Totems, then set a plan to get the supporting cast gear because without the quality amp and source, the step down in performance (including imaging) is not insignificant. Trying to get "that performance" out of the Arros with say only a receiver and a cheap source will graphically personify the tenet: "garbage in, garbage out". Simply put, they can either deliver or they can suck on your "imaging" along with the "musicality" enjoyment list depending on what they are mated with.
(3) The Arros facilitate close placement to the walls.... This may be a very limitation in your plan.
(4) I have to agree with Lindesfarne, that "musicality" is a keystone tenet in your end selection. If you go to Canuckaudiomart, you will see many Totems for resale in the used marketplace. Fellow hobbyists may find them fatiguing after a while .... I did also, and I moved on to "more musical " aka PRaT gear ( Pace, Rythem and Timing) There are many other speaker brands worth auditioning before you make your final choice..... In a small room environment, the REGA R3 / RS3 as a floorstander, or the TANNOY Revolution DC6 or ATC SCM 10 (2013) or even the Totem Model Ones as stand mounts leading the list that I would strongly look at.

IMO the Regas especially punch way above their weight class, have that ethereal "musicality" feature, are easier to drive and they also share the close proximity to the wall placement feature along with the Arros .