Totem Arro vs Totem Sttaf. Which one image better?

Hi guys. I been wanting to buy a pair of totem but not looking to spend over 2000. Just want something that really image and stage well. My listening room is small so both speakers will be powerful enough. Any one heard these two side by side? I keep reading thar arro image the best, is this true? Just going after the best imaging and sound stage that will disappear in my room. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for the inputs. So how is hue musicality of Arto vs Sttaf? I have read that totems are very musical speakers in general.
Arros are amazing for their size with the right amp and image as well as most anything I have heard when set up well.

LEss familiar with Sttaf. They might be just as good or better in the right application I suspect.
Good imaging helps with musicality IMHO in that music is a 3 (actually 4 including time) dimensional phenomenon in nature and a large soundstage with good placement within along with "air" helps one sort through the music better, much like a larger screen HDTV or movie screen helps one see what is going on better.
Good imaging and soundstage helps with 3 of 4 dimensions. The 4th is time. Coherence is the aspect of sound that matters there. Good imaging + soundstage + coherence sets the table for all teh rest to really excel and reach maximum potential..