Dearly departed Music Reference RM9

My Music Reference RM9 is down and beyond repair. I'm devestated as it has been the heart of my system through so many changes. My system is- Lexicon RT 20/ Cal Audio Alpa- VPI Scout Master/ Soundsmith Carmen- Jadis DPL- RM9- Dynaudio C1 model 2's, all high end cardas cable. Any suggestions from those that know? The RM9  had really sweet mids and while a tube amp, never sounded overly soft like many I've heard. Thanks for your help, fellow fanatics/ addicts.
Really not that much to these amps transformer, caps, resistors and Roger can fix them or I can.

See if you can find an old Lafayette KT-550 power amp.  Have a tech change the tubes to EL34 power tubes and be done with all of this.  The change to the EL34 tubes is basically the tube socket wires are moved and re-bias the amp.

Second option is to find an old Counterpoint hybrid power amp that has been modified.  If not modified, I can do that also.  Great driving power and sweetish sounding amps.

Happy Listening.

I'v been trying to email Music Reference for awhile with the address on the website with no response. I need repairs done to my RM 5 mk iii, anyone have updated contact info?
A few weeks ago I called the number listed on the MR website, and Roger answered. Call in the morning. If you’re in S. California, the tech at Brooks Berdan Ltd. in Monrovia (a long-time Music Reference retailer) is very familiar with Roger’s designs, and does excellent repairs (he also works on VTL, Jadis, and just about all tube electronics). His name is Tom, and he works on Wednesdays and Saturdays (his fulltime job is as a maintenance/service engineer at a radio or TV station---I forget which!---in L.A.).
dmann201, the email from the MR website is rarely monitored by Roger. If you want to reach us use the following email:
Just seeing this (by now 15 month-old) thread. I hope someone will see this reply.

I actually own 2 RM9s (the original model). I got them used (perfect condition) in late '80s. Used 1 for 3 years; never actually used the other. Both have EL34s; 1 also has KT88s. 

~'89 I paid Roger to modify both amps by making each of the 4 power tubes triode/pentode switchable (these are 4 physical switches). Once i heard the RM9 in triode I never went back to pentode. It was kind of funny...I loved the pentode sound, was never dissatisfied in the least. But when I heard triode (so rich/dimensional/3D), there was no going back.

In 1991 I moved to a house that would not accommodate my rather large audio system. So these 2 RM9s (as well as a VTL Ultimate preamp & Vandersteen 4s) have been in a closet ever since.

Does anyone have a clue what either of these RM9s would be worth? One of these days I have to do something about this stuff...