Integrated or Receiver?

That is the question.

As my luck would have it, my near 30 year old Denon PMA520 integrated amp is apparently on its way out.  I've already spent $150 to fix one problem only to have one channel all but vanish (can hear some high end audio but it is faint) and the other channel cuts in and out.  Since I had the unit cleaned just a few weeks ago and the noise that had cropped up in deep bass, I would have to believe this is another problem and would require additional servicing at additional cost.

The way I see it, this is throwing good money after bad.  Will probably scrap this thing and will buy something new.

Since my budget is going to be under $400 right now thanks to a slew of other expenses that take priority, I am wondering if I should just settle for a basic entry level amp like the Yamaha 301 or Onkyo 9050 or purchase a Receiver from Yamaha or some other company that is fairly inexpensive and use that for a couple of years until I can buy a better integrated amp when I should have more money to budget for it.

Any thoughts on this?
Will, too bad about the NAD CD player, but all older CD Players fail, due to moving parts, lasers, etc .... but not amps, thats why i suggested the NAD amps
yogiboy.  Thanks.  That may work.  I was reading about the SR20 just a few minutes ago but this one appears to have what I need including the phono stage.  Plan to have a turntable again.  Will consider this but will have to do more research first.
What do you see as your system in a couple years? You might check out the used integrateds and receivers offered here on AG. Buy something used for now, sell it later as your system evolves. 
There is a Cambridge Audio 540A for sale by TMRaudio here on AG, a trustworthy seller. asking price is $209 + $37 shipping. Offers are considered.
You would need a phonostage, however an outboard one could be purchased when you get a TT. Schiit Audio makes a highly regarded one for $129. 

Good luck in your search. 

look into the Yamaha Aventage receiver series. I recently had an audition with its matching universal player- BD-A1040.
Happy Listening!