Blockbuster goes Blu-ray, HD DVD=beta?,

Blockbuster announced they will go exclusively Blu-ray. How much will this effect the format wars? Will this send HD DVD the way of the Beta? Could this be the Sony KO punch, or does BB really have that much clout? Sound the alarm or hit the snooze button?
"actually you can tell if ps 3's are being sold for gaming or blu ray... just look at sales of the actual movies... then you can tell who is beating who..."

That doesn't really work either. If every gamer bought just one title to check it out that is a heck of a lot of sales. So far, sales swing back and forth based on who has the hot titles being release. Now if titles were being released on both formats and we could see those numbers.
lol if you check one out you will get hooked... almost all the big movies coming out are AVAILABLE on blu ray some on HD DVD ... more consistancy on good movies for blu ray
06-26-07: Newbie13
So far, sales swing back and forth based on who has the hot titles being released. Now if titles were being released on both formats and we could see those numbers.
Paramount and Warner release in both formats.

There are some titles, however, that Warner has so far only released in HD DVD. Not sure if Paramount has done the same thing.

But they have certainly released some titles in both formats.
Not to be negative, but I've sat through a lot of demos of both formats, and have yet to be wowed by any of the content beyond what I've seen done by good DVD-players that upconvert 480p content, or a dedicated scaler component for that matter.

I'm just not sold yet.
Not to be negative, but I've sat through a lot of demos of both formats, and have yet to be wowed by any of the content beyond what I've seen done by good DVD-players that upconvert 480p content, or a dedicated scaler component for that matter.

If you get Planet Earth box set (either HD-DVD or Blu-ray)just remember to catch your jaw before it hits the is simply stunning!