Blockbuster goes Blu-ray, HD DVD=beta?,

Blockbuster announced they will go exclusively Blu-ray. How much will this effect the format wars? Will this send HD DVD the way of the Beta? Could this be the Sony KO punch, or does BB really have that much clout? Sound the alarm or hit the snooze button?
How many hundred dollars is pride of ownership worth? Think I will stick with the D2 as "work in progress" does not instill confidence, at least for me. Less complex may mean less chance of problems.
HD DVD is cheaper and has more features than blue ray! I feel Sony is on the path of beta all over again! They are greedy and don't sell the best products anymore! There tv's aren't like they used to be either like in the trinaton days! Blue ray is only selling good because of the crapy playstation 3. I like the X-box 360 better and it is cheaper! Even the nintendo wii is way more fun than the playstation 3 and one third the cost!
Blue ray discs and players are outselling HD
I think Sony may actually win this one
but they didn't do a good job marketing
Its hard to know at this point. Target, Blockbuster, and Best Buy are lining up with Blu Ray. Walmart and Sams are with HD-DVD, and Netflix and Circuit City are neutral.

Blu Ray hardware is problematic in general and hasnt incorporated ethernet connectivity, unline HD-DVD players which have. Waterdowned PS3 dont have enough memory in the hard drive to truely pull off Blu Ray DVDs with interactive features. Blu Ray has the studio output in the US 90% vs 60% of all titles released. European and Asian studios largely produce HD-DVD disks but not blu ray.

In the end, I * think* HD-DVD will come ut on top due to its lower cost structure. But its going to be long and ugly it seems. Sony marketing is excellent actually I find. The equipment however, lags HD-DVD players in general, and changes are causing early obsolescence for early Blu Ray adopters ( poor folks).
Walmart and Sams are with HD-DVD,
My local Sam's Club carries both the Toshiba HD-D2 HD DVD player and the entry-level Sony Blu-ray. They also carry movie titles in both formats.