Where do I start-amp or speakers ?

While in the midst of downsizing I sold all my gear: Krell monos, Thiel CS6’s, Thiel 2.4’s, EAD Powermaster 2000, Thiel MCS1, etc.
I am now left with a headphone system based on the entry level Schitt headphone amp, Freya preamp,& a very nice Vinyl NIrvana Thorens 125 turntable,
So how’s that working out for you, you ask? Not so well. I need speakers & amp!
 I went from 2900 sq ft. To 1600 sq ft; a 25x24 room to an 18 x 16 room (high 20-24 ft cathedral ceiling, though, at least.)
I’m now on the way to build a new system , one component at a time; Ceiling is 4K per unit. Every time I see a nice amp, then I see a fine pair of speakers. Back and forth. Do I start with an amp or with speakers? Input, input........
+1 Soix, and atmasphere
Thiel and Vandersteen were/are proponents of time and phase correctness. I think they would be worth a look should you wish to look for a substitute-especially now that Thiel is no more.
After years of hearing the 'tube vs SS' debate, I bought Ralph's (atmasphere) amp and preamp and have to say they really make music come alive. One of the better moves I have made...
Way to go, guys. Very helpful thus far. I have located a Cary 200.2 which is a possible start. It would good amp to build on; I had an AES tube preamp by Cary for a few years, and I really liked it.  I've had a pair of Quicksilver mini monos paired with a pair of gigantic Altec horns, which believe it or not sounded really nice. I did tubes for about a year until I came upon some Krell 250 monos then a pair of CS6's and I was off and running again.
 I heard Joseph Audios at the RMAC in Denver last year, as well as some Ryans(nice!) and a butt load of other speakers as well. I'm considering a trip to Chicagoland for Axpona this year;however, I did find the big audio fest to be confusing after awhile; stumbling off the elevators into hotel rooms crammed with gear, trying to find the "sweet spot" chair..
Thanks to all!
Speakers, always speakers.  The true heart of the system in my IMO, and absolutely the least "accurate" component in any system (well, some SET's...).  Speakers are all colored to some extent, find what you like there first, then move on.

+1 to beginning with speakers, then choose the right amp to drive them. As Tim (above) points out, you have some homework to do -- what fun! I envy you...

Or I could save you the trouble. Send me the money and I'll choose for you :-)


Agree with the suggestions to pick speakers first, or at least vet their requirements, since that is the most subjective and variable part of the chain. My preference is to spend more on electronics than speakers though. There are a lot of enjoyable speakers for reasonable money (e.g. $2k) but electronics tend to scale in quality with price more linearly in m my experience.