Does anyone like vintage speakers?

I am surprised that there is a renewed interest in vintage electronics from the "golden age" of "HiFi". But I see little interest in period speakers. Without the speakers you really can't recreate the sound.
Newbee hit it. I have an updated HK 730 that i'm running an LP12 through into Tannoy R3's. Smokes the Parasound separates I was using.
Don't know if they classify as from the "Golden age of HiFi (vintage), but I have a pair of Yamaha NS1000m speakers (driven with a Quad 44/606). Now 25 years old. They still look and sound fantastic to me. My other speakers are B&W N801s (driven by a Krell HTS-1 and KSA-250). Both systems are equally satisfying to me in their own way.

When I was in my teens ( a long time ago, about 1960 ) my father and I bulit two Karlson enclosures and used a pair of EV 15trx coaxial speakers driven by two Knight Kit 20 watt mono amps. I wish I had them today.

I still have a pair of 1985 JSE Model 1.0's that miraculously survived dozens of moves throughout shooling, and after, and still are in my bedroom. They certainly show the wear of all the moves.. even though I still have the original boxes and packing, but sound great! To date they have not needed to be reconed, the binding posts did need to be replaced, but I have no plans on selling them.

I guess by most people's criteria these aren't 'vintage' as the LOVE power.. currently they are fed by a Proceed HPA 2 and they could handle some more if I had it to give.
I think of Vintage as mainly 50's and 60's Speakers what you would associate with "vintage" electronics.