Integrated or Receiver?

That is the question.

As my luck would have it, my near 30 year old Denon PMA520 integrated amp is apparently on its way out.  I've already spent $150 to fix one problem only to have one channel all but vanish (can hear some high end audio but it is faint) and the other channel cuts in and out.  Since I had the unit cleaned just a few weeks ago and the noise that had cropped up in deep bass, I would have to believe this is another problem and would require additional servicing at additional cost.

The way I see it, this is throwing good money after bad.  Will probably scrap this thing and will buy something new.

Since my budget is going to be under $400 right now thanks to a slew of other expenses that take priority, I am wondering if I should just settle for a basic entry level amp like the Yamaha 301 or Onkyo 9050 or purchase a Receiver from Yamaha or some other company that is fairly inexpensive and use that for a couple of years until I can buy a better integrated amp when I should have more money to budget for it.

Any thoughts on this?
jag.  Only one thing worries me about the new Yamaha amps and receivers.  I've read a large number of reviews from people that claim the they sound too bright.  Not just a couple but a lot.  I can't listen to bright speakers or amps for any length of time without listener fatigue.  

Older Yamaha amps usually were neutral and not bright.  My 35 year old Yamaha A 500 is just that.  Still sounds great.  I've read the AX596 from a few years ago is also not bright.  Somehow with the last series or two of amps, Yamaha has changed the sound.

I was just reading a few reviews on the new Onkyo A 9150 and that might be a better choice than any new Yamaha amp.  Not bright at all.  Will read more about Marantz to see if that might work too.
After decades with receivers (Sansui/Sony ES/Pioneer Elite) I realized one day that I no longer (as in never) listen to the radio anymore.  Decided then, rather than upgrade to an integrated amp (receiver with no radio tuner), I'd just switch to pre-amp/processer and power amps.  I went with Emotiva for the incredible value and bought a 7.1 processor, a 300W/chan stereo amp and a 125w/chan 5-chan amp.  

Though I still use a Pioneer SC-05 receiver in my office system, I'll never buy another one.
dynaquest4.  I still listen to the radio but mostly for news, sports and talk.  But will still listen to music if I find a station that plays Classical which I have a limited collection of CD;s and albums.  Sometimes will listen to Jazz on the radio too though I have a pretty good collection of it.

I don't have the money to with separates really unless I want to neglect more important things like projects that need to be done at my house, replacing other electronics that have crapped out recently and seems to be an ongoing problem (TV, Wet and Dry Vac, Printer etc.) and paying off some debt.  

I am quite satisfied with using a Integrated amp and will likely continue to do so.  There are very good Receivers out there as well like the Outlaw and that may be a worthy replacement to a integrated amp.  Still have plenty of research and reading ahead.
Anyone heard of Internet radio, as streaming thousands of radio stations from around the world, even through your phone? Give it a try and you'll no longer consider a (traditional) receiver as an option unless you like dials and meters.
Will62, the Outlaw is a good choice if you want a receiver. But since you already have a tuner, you can probably get more bang per buck in an integrated.

I understand the concern about buying used given your recent experience, so that would rule out a big old Denon, Yamaha or similar AVR. As I said previously I would steer clear of low to mid range AVRs because I am aware of two specific cases where those have disappointed user with nominal 6ohm speakers. The NADs listed on Agon come with factory warranties, fwiw.

Thinking on this a bit further, as suggested above the Outlaw price point opens up a bigger world of choices, like the Onkyo integrated you suggest or units from Cambridge Audio, Marantz, Sony, Yamaha, NAD, etc. At this price I would not rule out a used integrated from Primare or Naim, which are built like tanks, have strong high quality power supplies (but likely not biamp or multiple speaker capable) and sound wonderful.

Get out and listen.