Is There Greener Grass For Me?

I have owned an Onkyo TXSV515PRO for about 15 years. I have upgraded most other components in a modest AV system, but not the Onkyo. We use the AV system for audio only as it relates to TV programming and DVD play – there is no CDP involved – all music being played in a separate, dedicated 2-channel room.

Currently, the system consists of:
TV - Mitsubishi WS-65413 – 65” projection
Front Speakers – PSB Stratus Goldi’s
Rear Speakers – PSB Alpha Mini
Center Channel (own but not currently used) – PSB 9C
DVD - Zenith DVB318

Now. I am not trying to assemble a SOTA system in any way, shape, or form. However, I do not care much for the separation provided by the Onkyo, especially front to rear balance (regardless of how the speakers are positioned). Too, if something like a great performance on Soundstage or an audio DVD is used, the sound is a bit thin when cranking the volume. I’ve had these speakers in two-channel systems and they are not exactly what I’d call thin. As such, I am wondering if I could improve things much by using a different power/processor – or maybe given the level of all else I should just leave things alone.. I’d STRONGLY prefer a one-piece unit, as opposed to separates, due in part to space limitations. Don’t need a tuner which is provided in the Onkyo receiver. Appreciate suggestions in the $2K new, $1K used range. Obliged to all for their consideration – whether or not you choose to respond.

Nearly all current HT receivers support 7.1 channels of output. You simply set the unused channels to off. Some receivers will even let you reassign them to use to bi-amp you main L&R speaker.

BTW, there is a B&K AVR-307 that showed up on AgoN tonight. No relationship with the seller, but it looked like a decent deal. If it has DPL-II, it may be a winner....


DPL-II is very nice as it does a much better job or "steering" sound to the rear speakers when listening to a source that is not a discreet surround format. When I got my first DPL-II receiver, I noticed a much more enjoyable experience with analog TV and VHS playback.

However, if you don't think you'll care about analog TV or VHS, it might not matter. DVD will use discreet Dolby Digital or DTS and digital high-def programming typically is transmitted with the dolby digital stream intact.

Thanks, TIC. Looks as if I need to explore some individual models. Actually, I need to further educate myself. In the tw-channel world I'm fun but..... And, it figures. I branch into something else and wind up committing myslef to countless hours of research before buying... ;-)
I take it that no one else has specific recommendations other than those made above. (?)