Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
Because there are much better speakers such as Magico however they are still pretty good.Enjoy!!
I can't find a dealer list for Harbeth in the US.  Fidelis is the distributor but they don't seem to list other dealers.  I know there are a few but I'm not sure how much of a presence Harbeth actually has.  They get talked about a lot but I'm guessing they aren't as widely owned as you'd guess based on the amount of press and forum chatter they get.  
Deja Vu audio in Mclean Virginia sells Harbeth. I think it was them who demoed Harbeth at last Capital Audiofest.
I've auditioned Harbeths in Richmond (VA) and in Seattle.  I think there are a lot more dealers than there are of, say, Spendor.
Having had a very nice audition with the Harbeth 40's years ago, I was really impressed, and to this day, I feel sure that I would be happy with them for a long time if not forever. Having said that, I have been shocked at the price increases. I recall that when I read the first review of the 40's on enjoythemusic.com, they were around $6500. A couple of years later, they were around 12k. Now they're around 16k? I assume that the good reviews made Alan think he had underpriced them, but gee...