Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
Deja Vu audio in Mclean Virginia sells Harbeth. I think it was them who demoed Harbeth at last Capital Audiofest.
I've auditioned Harbeths in Richmond (VA) and in Seattle.  I think there are a lot more dealers than there are of, say, Spendor.
Having had a very nice audition with the Harbeth 40's years ago, I was really impressed, and to this day, I feel sure that I would be happy with them for a long time if not forever. Having said that, I have been shocked at the price increases. I recall that when I read the first review of the 40's on enjoythemusic.com, they were around $6500. A couple of years later, they were around 12k. Now they're around 16k? I assume that the good reviews made Alan think he had underpriced them, but gee...
Mapman - you are correct that was Vu's "budget" room and I (and JOND) both left quite impressed with the new version of the 30.2's. They were the speaker to beat at tat price point. That said, they or anything else I heard at CAP-fest couldn't compare to Vu's custom/Western Electric setup - WOW!
Re; Harbeth price .
US dollar has lost over 25% against Euro in last year and that’s the "official "
rate than about 5 banks in the world get .
My neighbor just got back from France, said she got 70 cents Euro for a buck both with AmEx and Visa at ATM's .
Not sure about the pound but English firms do look at Euro to keep profit margin close in all markets .