Proac D48R

Proac owners, I need advice for a integrated amp for the Proac D48Rs. I listen mostly to classic rock an jazz. My budget is 5k new or used market.
I believe that the speakers are properly "run in". I don't understand why people say ProAcs are musical and not for people who want "pin point imaging". These speakers certainly image awesome in my setup. They are super musical without being a bit analytical. The problem with these speakers is that they reveal shortcoming in the recordings. But on the positive side, it does not kill the musicality of the bad recordings. Only the "quantity" of the musical enjoyment is reduced. These speakers have been keeping me up, late into the night.
yeah, most good speakers will reveal shortcomings in the recordings, just the way it is.  I have had some set ups where I can't even be in the room with these recordings, they are so hard sounding, hot, bright, thin, etc..hurts the ears.  I can listen to them on a boom box, or a car stereo, but not my main system.  With the Proac's you can still enjoy them, just use the right electronics and cable it right and you a good to go with that stuff, relatively speaking of course.
A couple of folks reached out to me and indicated that an active preamp will take my system performance to a much higher level, now that I have the ProAcs. In my system I have adequate bass and sound to the point that I have ordered 2 more tri-traps from GIK to cover the entire front corners, top to bottom.
My question is, what will the active preamps do that the TVCs are not doing? Is bass and loudness of a system not a good measure to judge that your system has enough gain?
I am open to suggestions.
Proacs are known for their imaging etc.. Yes, they are highly revealing which is what a high end speaker should be.  That's the biggest problem I have wiht Wilsons.  Fun to listen to and I could own them, but they lack the micro and macro detail I love.  Different strokes for .....

glad you have them burned in and set up.  Most speakers are easy to set up, but to coax the last bit of goodness, it takes time and moving them around.  I have to wait until friends come over to move them as I have MS and I can't even get up and down for album changes anymore, lol.  

mil, you ask about electronics, the thing is, you need to try them in the system.  What works for me, may not work for you.  It's about synergy.  Johnny R is going to be a GREAT resource as he's sold Proac's for years.  I found him when I needed to get a new pair of speakers after 20 years.  I ended up getting the Vandy Treo's instead as I liked them better, but I do love the Proac's also. It's one of the few ribbons I enjoy as they are musical and never harsh.  Stuart does a great job there.

What is your price range?  What are you missing?  So many good choices out there.  I personally ended up with an Ayre AX5/20 which is one of the best integrated amps I've ever heard in my life.  The pre amp is built in the passive mode if I recall correctly.  I'm not 100% there, but Johnny knows.  I'm going to be selling it soon as I am sure I'll want the new Vandersteen amps with adjustable crossovers, but that's a huge step up for me, lol. 
@ctsooner ,
Sorry to hear about your condition. Hopefully music soothes you.

What are you missing?
That is exactly what I want to find out about using active preamp in my system. I have been recommended the JR Capri S2 and the Wyred 4 Sound STE-SE Stage 2. I wonder how they will compare with the Parasound JC-2.
BTW, you have a great system.