Oomph or pressure?

I currently am using a Emia autoformer as my preamp. It sounds fantastic but one thing I noticed is I have to turn the volume up quite a bit to get any oomph out of it.

is that normal for a passive?

would a active pre be better at it? And at lower volume?

im looking at Allnic as well as Others.

my system is near idea for passive but just wonder with a good preamp what I would hear.

my current setup is Zu def 4 speakers and a Audion silvernight with a allnicc1201 phono pre and a Well tempered gta table.

thanks, Scott
Autospell got me again! I surely meant appropriately named in referring to the Emotive Audio Epifania. I believe that my post however made it clear that I’m complementing the Epifania and its heightened level of involvement you cited.
Hello Ralph, 
I've heard your MP-1 preamplifier with several different amplifiers including my own and find it to be an excellent component.  Could one be ordered by a customer with either no gain or say low gain (10db and less) ?  Just curious. 
 I went through a period where I was very interested in passive but ultimately found an active gave me better involvement with the music. I found the passive to lack dynamics and drive in the music basically the same as the complaint in this thread. 
 I do think a passive with the unity gain buffer may be a good compromise as  it's true what atmosphere is saying, there are impedance issues but we do have plenty of game in our systems.
Hi gdnrbob,
I'm not involved in the audio product industry,  just a nappy music lover. I  heard a friend's MP-1 preamp with my 300b SET amplifier and the combination was quite impressive. If I didn't own the superb Coincident Line Stage I could be "very" satisfied with the MP-1.