Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?

I have a $2500 budget and haven’t had any luck finding the right floorstander in the local hifi shops, so am seeking advice from owners of internet-direct speakers.

I have an all tube system with a 30W triode EL34 amp. My system is in the living room, 12’ x 16’ x 8.' Speakers can be a maximum height of about 40 inches.
   Most important to me is a realistic laid-back presentation with open, transparent sonics. For example, I really like the KEF sound. I listen to 90% Classical, but also take my Led Zeppelin very seriously.
I have a sensitivity to high frequencies (hyperacusis), so there must be a smooth and natural top-end. And I’m done with metal tweeters since I haven’t found any that work for me.

There have been many Tekton threads, so I’m familar with some of their models, but I’m very intrigued by the Omega’s. Can anybody share their experiences with the Omega line or offer advice on floorstanders within my budget? I’m open to used or demos.

Thanks for clarifying the difference in tweeters. It's interesting that you had to find the right synergy of components to make the Gallos work for you.
The Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower may be worth exploring further.  Sounds like it might work with your amp, and it seems equally at home with both rock and classical music.  One of the main reasons I'm mentioning it is that it's available with a Raal ribbon tweeter that I think your ears will really like (completely different design than what Dali uses).  I heard it during an extended audition of a Selah speaker, and it is very sweet and detailed but never even approaching harsh in any way -- buttery smooth is the way I'd describe it.  The stock silk dome tweeter seems pretty refined as well, but if I'm you I go with the ribbon hands down.  Seems like this speaker may push all your buttons.  Here's a review just FYI...


Best of luck in your search. 

I've been doing some research and appreciate all the suggestions.
I spoke to Louis at Omega and he described his single driver speakers just as @seikosha has... "very direct and immediate sounding and don't hide anything."
So, Louis recommended the Super 3 High Output XRS, which has 2 full-range 4.5" drivers.

The Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower is a possibility since they offer a 30 day trial.

Klipsch... there is a dealer not far from me. Regarding horns, I found that listening to my friend's system, I eventually felt some "listening fatigue."

But the most intriguing speaker is the Spatial Audio Hologram M3 Turbo S. $2795/pair with a 60 day trial period (slightly above my budget). TMR has a used pair (8/10) for $1999. 
The  @rebbi review makes a great case for owning this speaker, but his impression is based on using a Krell amp to drive the demanding impedance curve.

@lowrider57 Just skimmed through the rebbi review and one thing to keep in mind he's comparing an 8 watt SET amp, albeit a good one, with the Krell. Your amp, which is a 30 watt PP as I remember would be a totally different animal then the AN amp rebbi owns. @rebbi Fantastic and comprehensive review and great pics thanks!
@jond , yes a very different amp than mine. I'm looking at reviews and seeing that a 20 to 30W tube is needed to get the most out of the Hologram M3 Turbo. High power SS is even better.