Rok, do you know what "genocide" is? That's the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
This country watched Genocide on national television when they watched the "Katrina Aftermath" for 3 whole days on national TV. All George Bush had to do was call the disaster center at Scott AFB Ill., and go back to bed; they had the resources and were prepared to take care of everything, including coordinating "all" military resources. I know, I was stationed at Scott for four years.
That's one of the few bases where the base commander was a full bird Colonel, while there were Generals who commanded world wide movement of military resources stationed on the same base.
Many times I was awaken at 2:30 AM or some ungodly hour by someone screaming "Alert,Alert, Alert"; that meant get dressed, shagg A--, and get on the big blue bus. It was to carry us to the disaster site, where we were to give life saving first aid to the victims of this disaster, which might be real or just a drill; I was a medic.
The victims were made up to look like they had various injuries; they had a tag attached to them which we were to write down what we discovered and treatment administered. At the end of the day we were critiqued by doctors, who discussed whether our patient lived or died.
Scott AFB had everything to take care of that disaster and then some. Why wasn't this ever mentioned? The military can never question "The Commander In Chief", that's for sure.
The irony of what I've written is that Scott AFB was called to duty 8 months prior to "Hurricane Katrina" for a tsunami disaster.
These resources could be utilized for people half way around the world, but not for the citizens of New Orleans; why I ask you?