A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)


whats up with AlDavis.....I am sure his mommy is proud of him, but do we really care?
I hope in reading these threads you will see that I was responding to cytocycles direct implication about my lack of education regaurding capitalism and medicine. I have never before on this or any other forum given any personal information about my "education". For the most part I feel its irrelavent. I dont think your an uneducated moron but I do think you wrongly jump to conclusions. This thread began about a "review" which brought up some interesting points and taking a position does not constitute "bashing".How can we have a real discusion when others emotionaly respond with calls of "socialist","go to Canada for your health care","strutting peacock",'bashers' if their positions are challenged ? To me its all a kind of childish bullying which contains no useful dialogue what so ever. This is a DISCUSSION forum -Jim
Yeah thats what I get for being smart :) oh well then we found another weakness, maybe watchdog should add that to their review.
I think Rhbblb1 brings up a good point (and one that *should* be the soul of this thread):

In Hardesty's "Audio Perfectionist" Number 12 2004, he states, "Measured accuracy is required for good sound but measured accuracy alone doesn't guarantee good sound."

Specifically, by "measured accuracy" he includes frequency response, time and phase, dynamic linearity, and settle times.

If measured accuracy isn't the bedrock for speaker performance, then what should be? Are Wilson speakers measurably accurate? How about Maggies? Or Kharmas? Or Lowthers? Does it matter?
LOL - too many posts to read them all but it's fun to see where this discussion has gone. It's a good laugh. I just read the last few posts when I get a chance.

subject of post:
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

Last post:
direct implication about my lack of education regaurding capitalism and medicine

Let's start talking about abortion and womens rights. I think the posts are still too closely related to the review of the Wilson Maxx.