....without collateral damage to manufacturers due to misperceptions on the part of the audiophile community.
’Misperceptions on the part of the audiophile community’ are clearly (my opinion) a large part of what drives and sustains this community and likely a large portion of it’s lifeblood....I imagine that most successful manufacturers are steeled against the daily onslaughts of bloodletting. Misperceived as it may be. : )
My way of saying that I believe manufacturers and dealers are constantly dealing with this and that it is part and parcel of.....
Below is my first stab (pun intended) at this, and requires more development.
There are ways to deal with your Very Valid Concern, and as an online magazine that has to balance all of your stakeholders’ needs, as well as it’s financial interests and reputation.
For example, both panels can be anonymous and separate. Manufacturers participating in the analysis can be Listed or Not, individual components would not be. The data can be (should be) represented without specific attribution.
What I suggested was to look for the correlation (lack thereof) that you mention in your original post regarding this. That finding or other findings would be very interesting. [NOTE: I’m NOT specifically interested in whether (pick Manufacturer) is rated High or Not on both Design and Sound Performance (pick specific component)].
If you conduct this using individuals (vs expert panels) then the individual would be only aware of the products they viewed in the design portion (assuming that the sound performance portion can be done with logos and identifying markings, etc. hidden or screened).
The simplest way (but poorer study design) would be to have all your staffers rate say 10 components in each category for sound performance and then have a team of designers rate the same components per an agreed upon aesthetic formula/approach/scale. Then overlay the data points.
As a personal example, I’m actively considering two integrated amplifiers. One beautiful (to my preferences) and one not so much (again to my eyes). Both are supposed to have exceptional sound quality and performance. I have heard neither at this time. Both are also priced equally. All other things being somewhat equal, I wonder if I will choose the one that I am drawn towards aesthetically over the one I am not, even if there is a performance differential not in it’s favor. And I am sure that my aesthetic bias and preference may well play a role in minimizing any sound performance differentials.