Magnepan vs B&W: Same specs, different bass?

Hey everyone,

I recently acquired a set of Magnepan 3.7 speakers which are rated down to 35 Hz, and I've been comparing them to my B&W 803S speakers (also rated to 35 Hz).  While I enjoy the big sound and clarity of the Magnepans, the B&W's blow the Magnepans away in the bass department in an A-B comparison test.

I figured this would be the case, but I can't explain why there's such a big difference in bass when the speakers have the same specs.  Can anyone explain?

B&W 803S specs:
35Hz – 22kHz ±3dB

Magnepan 3.7 specs:
35Hz- 40 kHz

@markalarsen I think I'd agree, I moved the Maggie's all over the room and can't get near the amount of bass out of them...
Hey guys, I took some measurements today with a calibrated microphone and as suspected the Magnepan 3.7’s are not performing nearly as well as the B&W 803S’s below about 75 Hz. I pulled the Magnepans out about 4 feet from the rear wall hoping that it would help but didn’t make much of a difference.

Measurement Picture:

Setup Pictures:

Check the Cardas website for instructions on setting up Magnepans. I agree the do not produce the same level of bass as box speakers, but they are extremely sensitive to set up. Mine were set up five feet from the back wall. 

its all in the setup. For two years I struggled with setup of Maggie’s from the 1.7i’s to the 3.7l’s and then with the 20.7’s. I was able just a few months ago to dial them in and the bass is amazing. Sonically amazing! Follow the Limage methodology for placement and you will get the results you desire. Air, openness and deep hit you in the chest bass.

Those speakers seem awfully close to the walls, in my opinion.
Is there any way to move the chair backwards?