Glad that worked out for you. I had forgotten that I used insulating shoulder washer Digikey p/n HS418-ND to float the Belleson metal tab from ground.
Now that the audio board mods are breaking in, I’ll take a shot at tracing the circuit on the power board. Tascam uses four 2200uf and 6800uf Panasonic FK filtering caps that are keepers, but there are two Suncon 100uf filtering caps that appear to be at output of the Belleson regs and three small Jamicon electrolytics that may be worth replacing. IIRC, Belleson recommends a higher capacitance than 100uf at output of the SPZ-- which is why I increased filtering capacitance at the downstream op amps from 22uf to 100uf.
If you try the audio board mods, be gentle with the wide, flat ribbon cable. It has many tiny foil traces, several of which began to fray and peel back a mm or so during reinsertion. The solution was to use long sharp scissors to trim back the ribbon a tad and restore clean traces. As this type of cable is not designed to survive many reinsertions, it’s best to get all ADC mods done in one pass.
The Panasonic FM electrolytic coupling caps for the ADC should have their .01uf film bypass caps placed on top and soldered point-to-point to the legs of the FM cap before mounting the FM to the PCB. There not enough room to do the bypassing as an afterthought.