Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?

I recently got an Ayre v-5xe Amp for my two channel setup (with Revel f208 speakers and PS Audio Directstream DAC). At a good price locally.

I looked at the matching K-5xe MP matching preamp, but it’s too expensive brand new and nothing available used.

Do I have to get a matching brand preamp? Or something different would do. My budget for the Preamp is around two grand.

If you can wait, I am sure one will be available in the near future.
One just sold here on Agon recently.
There is one on Ebay, but not MP.

And, no you don't have to get matching amp and pre. I wish I could suggest a comparable preamp, but I haven't used much other than McCormack and Atma-Sphere. The former, a McC RLD-1 is available for less than $1k and can be upgraded by SMc Audio, which might be a way to go. The Atma's are quite a bit more, unfortunately, and are a tube design.
Perhaps a PS Audio?
Though, in my opinion, I would wait for an Ayre to come up for sale.
@audioconnection and @gdnrbob Thank you!

Yeah... I missed that k-5xeMP here a few days ago at a great price. The guy did not even know it was MP version.... by the time I checked and confirmed with Ayre on serial number, it was gone.

The one on eBay is “x” version, not even “xe”.

If I went with PS Audio, it would have to be the BHK Signature Preamp, but that is above my budget new, and possibly used from what I can see via hi-fi shark.

Bottom line, as you guys suggested, it may be worth waiting for the Ayre to come up for sale used, although patience is not a virtue I have 😉
So, what would be a good solid state Preamp that is similar in quality and price with k-5xe MP?

What is your budget?
You can wait, or there is a K-1xe for sale on Audiogon right now.
@jmcgrogan2 I saw that, but not familiar with it. Must be an old model.

My budget is about two grand, plus minus