What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
They sure aren't selling the heck out of their speakers, that's for sure. Good enough sounding speakers, probably not a good marketing Co. however...
I spoke to Mike the other day, he was out of the country for a few weeks. He is very busy with a new model coming out last time we spoke.

Happy Listening.
I know there most popular model (Khorus?) it's price in the used market dropped like a stone when the newer model came out a year or two ago.if interested in buying look to used market and compare the two.Know that there was post a while back where people were asking 'why is this happening" but the possible improvement verusus the huge slash in used market a number of responders were skeptical that you could get that much more from same basic design that had benm upgraded.Man when you think about it is am,zing how many audio companies survivbe at all given the num,bers of competition.