What would you do?

My current system: Aerial 7Ts, Parasound A21 amp, Parasound P5 preamp, Wireworld Silver Eclipse interconnect from preamp to amp, Wireworld Gold Starlight 7 digital cable from NAD 565bee CD player to preamp, Wireworld Silver Electra Power cords, and PS Dectet power conditioner. Room treatment with GIK, room is 20'x 24'.

My options are to get new speaker cables, to add a JL Audio F112 or is a new source the answer?
I wouldn't say there is a problem. I'm just curious to hear opinions on what improvements can be gained by adding a sub or changing my source.
Maybe look in to some bass trapping in those corners. The room looks great for a system but is a bit sparse IMHO.

My system pictures haven't been updated. I actually have bass traps in the corners.