I just made the switch from Directv to Uverse. Here are my observations.
directv: better hd picture, more hd channels, easier to navigate (maybe because I was used to it), better hardware.
Uverse: Good HD picture, but not as good as directv. SD picture is better than directv though. You can record 2 hd shows and 2 sd shows at the same time. Whole house dvr is very nice. Can schedule recordings online. Can bundle services with the uverse internet making it slightly cheaper than what I was paying for directv and dsl.
The things I really don't like about Uverse is the hardware. The fan in my DVR makes a high pitched whining noise that drives me crazy. I need to unplug the DVR if I want to listen to music. Urge radio is horrible compared to XM that directv offered, sound quality is even worse than XM and content is lacking. The Motorola DVR does not pass 5.1 audio through HDMI so an optical cable is required. They don't offer Fuel TV in HD!!!