Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo

HI fellow ’goners.
I own the Shahinians, thinking of upgrading to the Treos. The Obelisks sound a little smallish for the room... And the room is not square, it's a big living area of a house, with access to the second floor's roof. 
Will this be an upgrade or just a sideward move?
Room approx 60m2, driven by Musical Fidelity A5.5, 250wpc at 8Ohm (thinking of replacing this one too).
Mostly jazz and acoustic music, less frequently - classical and pop.

Tomic, you are one lucky guy.-Retired and owning the M-7 amps. 
Just an update: if things work out right, I will have an Aesthetix Atlas in my system starting Sunday. Looking forward to that :-)
Meanwhile replaced the CHORD DAC64 with a Reimyo DAP-777 and tuned the Quatros to the room. What an improvement, both of these things! The Quatros are shining brighter and brighter by the day :-)
That's great to hear!
I knew the Vandies would wow you.
The Atlas should be a good match, too.
the Atlas is a very very fine match !!!
Jim White and RV are collaborators for sure to wit the built in high pass filters
keep us in the loop
the Atlas stereo and mono both have serious low end vise like control, probably worth looking at vandertones again just to see....

(((Atlas stereo and mono both have serious low end vise like control, probably worth looking at vandertones again just to see....

 Yes agree, solid advice........
 With Aesthetix Atlas or when changing from any amp make sure you reset the XLR high Pass Dip Switches to corresponding input impedance adjust all back to open and then set dip 3 / 5 closed for Aesthetix's proper 100 HZ x over setting.
 Best JR