Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp

I am hoping some of the experts will help with the decision, I'm an audiophile newbie but learning much from the people here!  One thing I have learned is that everything is in synergy, so a $30K preamp is out of place with a $1K amp.  I already know I don't have the money to purchase truly exotic audiophile quality, somewhere I read you can get 90% of the way there at 30% of the price.

The tube phono preams are in the $1500 - $2000 range, but of course less $ would be OK if the quality is still there, and purchasing used here extends the possibilities.

I have a HOMC cartridge, Dynavector 10X5.  I can't ever see getting a truly exotic LOMC cartridge, but maybe at some point I'd look for an upgraded MC cartridge.  The 10X5 seems truly excellent though, but that is for a different time.

I'm thinking of an Allnic H1201, a bit beyond the upper $2000, the Eastern Electric Minimax Phono, which even new is $1500, and used is less, the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A, which used is in the range, but I'd be using the MM input, the Decware ZP3, and the EAR 834P. I'm thinking there may be others in the range that people here know of to think about.

The Modulus 3A has several other inputs besides the phono, which seems to be a benefit, but maybe then the phono portion has been a lesser focus than on a strictly phono preamp?  The downside is to go to a LOMC cartridge it needs a new replacement board, which isn't tube based so that is a question.  I'm thinking people would use a SUT and keep using the MM input, but I could be wrong.

The Eastern Electric just seems to be excellent quality, but it seems a fair amount of the price for it, as many of these, is to accommodate the LOMC cartridges.  With the Decware ZP3, if you go with a LOMC, you then have to buy an additional ZMC, and get the correct one based on the cartridge.  But that means the ZP3 is focused completely on the MM and HOMC cartridges, which seems to be a good thing.  The end result though is that in the end the Decware may end up costing much higher than the $2000 upper limit.

The EAR834P seems to be highly recommended, but many of those recommendations are from people who've had it heavily modified.  In factory stock condition it is still well thought of though.  It is also possible to get the 834P for only MM, but once again in the long run that would be a questionable choice, it is probably better to get the MM/MC version at a higher price.

So it is a question, and I'll appreciate the opinions.

I had a Manley Chinook for a while and really enjoyed it.  Out of curiosity I auditioned a Rogue Ares and preferred it to the Chinook.  I don't see the Ares recommended as much as I think it deserves to be.  It's quite a nice sounding phono stage, and you can adjust the gain by using 12au7, 12at7 or 12ax7 tubes.  Outboard power supply and has a 100kOhm setting that I much preferred to the standard 47kOhm for MM carts.  Certainly worth an audition at the 2k price point.  
This is interesting, as I'm still trying to figure this out after a fair bit of time, and the continuing comments are all appreciated.

Yes, I had started to focus on the Chinook, as so many have said, and had now been looking at the Ares too.

One thing I'm wondering a bit is that the Ares has four different gain settings but the Chinook only two.  (And four has to be better than two?? LOL )

I read too about the Ares, and in the Stereophile article 1/13/10, by Erick Lichte it stated " The preamp can be run in all-tube or hybrid tube/solid-state to allow it to work with any cartridge you might want to throw at it.
Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/ces2010/rogue_ares/index.html#i45xHSlAKojYqjzD.99";  So apparently at times it is gain only from the tubes, but other times it is not?

And is the Chinook gain only from tubes, or is it also at times solid-state?  

And then finally, is that really a big deal anyway if the MC cartridge has gain increased with solid state?

What is terrible is that I still can't find a definitive answer or a chart to how much gain is really needed with any given cartridge mV output.

I then also wonder, as there is Ares and Ares Magnum, which one magazine said definitely improves over the regular Ares, but in the real world is that a huge benefit?  I am thinking though that the quality of the parts being improved must be of some benefit even if it sounded the same?

So, in a way I'm still fairly uncertain and still trying to figure this out.

2.5 MV cartridges from Dynavector have two gain options in the Dynavector phono P-75 preamp ( mk 4 ) ....

40 and 46 db

.and the reality is you can and should listen to each and decide....

all this from the great company that made your fine cartridge !!!!


Ah. Right, then :)

tough crowd over here on Agon! :)
better get my sh*t together! LOL
Thx Atmas
What is terrible is that I still can't find a definitive answer or a chart to how much gain is really needed with any given cartridge mV output.
Check out the KAB gain calculator https://www.kabusa.com/pregain.htm