Mea culpa for Uptone Iso Regen USB

Recently I was negotiating to buy a USB cable from a fellow Audiogon member @fsmithjack and he offered in addition to the cable to sell me an Uptone Iso Regen USB with an Uptone linear power supply. I felt a little uncomfortable with the conversation as I was just trying to buy a cable, not a bundle with something else that I hadnt even inquired about. We agreed to go our separate ways, no harm no foul right?

I began reading about the product, skeptically, and became more curious. With the return policy Uptone offers, I thought I would check it out and ordered a new Iso Regen Usb and their new companion 1.2 LPS. Holy moly @fsmithjack was right and I should have listened to him. Single biggest upgrade I recall with my digital front end, instantly upon inserting it into my system!

Long story short, I wanted to publicly acknowledge @fsmithjack as the gentleman that he is, he was just trying to enlighten me and I wasn’t ready to believe the radical improvements he said I would experience. This isn’t a review of the product, this is intended to recognize and thank @fsmithjack for his sage advice, even though I was not very trusting, I now recognize he was just trying to share his experience. Thanks @fsmithjack! He has no affiliation with Uptone, just a fellow Audiogoner that makes this community special. Peace.
Now this is what this hobby as well as this site should be about. Crudo’s to you fsmithjack! I have even offered up pieces of gear for free auditions to members on here many times in the past.  I wish we would see more of this as that is what moves the train forward vs nonsensicle debates.
And kudos to you ghasley, as well, for having the courage to post about it.  As @chrshanl37 said THIS is what the forums ought to be about - not some of the crap we see daily where some of us criticize and bash each other.

After you have a little experience with the equipment, tell us what you're hearing!

Ghasley, It is great to see a praise instead of bashing.  We need more positive people, like you.