no not that model.....but so far not a fan of cabinets that ring like a bell....
but Hawthorne Stereo is our highly respected local dealer and i have reason to drop in this week
they are also a NAIM dealer, so hoping they have a pair to listen to..
i would ignore the poor and dated analogy from a dealer running down other product.....especially one who fails to understand the significant technical innovations past, present and ongoing by Vandersteen, Magnepan...and yes of course others....
the model 2 could be thought of as just the latest iteration of the venerable old beater Porsche 911..
and i laugh as I go sailing by and hit the apex....
no not that model.....but so far not a fan of cabinets that ring like a bell....
but Hawthorne Stereo is our highly respected local dealer and i have reason to drop in this week
they are also a NAIM dealer, so hoping they have a pair to listen to..
i would ignore the poor and dated analogy from a dealer running down other product.....especially one who fails to understand the significant technical innovations past, present and ongoing by Vandersteen, Magnepan...and yes of course others....
the model 2 could be thought of as just the latest iteration of the venerable old beater Porsche 911..
and i laugh as I go sailing by and hit the apex....