Oyaide Cables

Information on this cable brand was showing up in another thread, which is fine, but I figured this cable line deserves it's own thread.  I have very little experience with the brand so far as I have only had the Black Mamba V2 PC  in my system for about 200 plus hours and just installed the  TUNAMI GPX-R V2 PC last night.  I only need one PC for my system at this time as my Integrated amp has a DAC and my music streamer doesn't take after market PCs.    Firstly, the Black Mamba V2 PC is excellent.  I know audio is very system dependent, but in my system the BM V2 was the best PC I have had, it really made a noticeable difference.  It kind of gives you the  best of both words, good clarity and extension but at the same time the system is relaxed and natural sounding.  Very important if you have a lot of rock and pop and poorly produced material in your music collection.   The Tsunami GPX-R V2 PC improves upon the BM V2 in that the air and spacing is better, the stage is deeper and wider,  and the bass is still tight, but thicker.   I am thrilled with these PCs so I ordered the Tunami Nigo V2 speaker cables and those should be here soon.  I am very happen with the Western Electric 14 GA, but after hearing how good their PCs are, I just had to give the Oyaide SC a try.     Anyway, bottom line is I suspect it would be very hard to find a line of cables that sound this good at such affordable prices.  A Big thanks to Wig for letting me know about these PCs and Speaker cables and guiding me along.  
I really like the Black Mamba I have.
I took a shortcut and used my cable cooker for a week, back in January.
I did the same thing, one week on the cooker and another week on a refrigerator before implementing into my system; works brilliantly :)

@kclone @wig or anyone else with Oyaide speaker cable experience.
Is the Oyaide TUNAMI II SP-B V2 the best speaker cable Oyaide makes? I'm in need of a 3/M speaker cable with bananas.
Can anyone that owns the Oyaide speaker cables, make any comparisons to other speaker cables?
Have any of you owned the Cerious Technologies Graphene speaker cables which I'm very familiar with?
I'm currently using double runs of Duelund tinned copper in cotton oil impregnated speaker cables (16 & 12 gauge wire) that I made, sounds darn good, just wondering if the Oyaide could sound better?
Thanks in advance...


Over the past 9 months I have compared Zenwave SMSG, Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper, Thales, Cerious Technology CTE and Deulund DCA 16Ga speaker cables and can honestly say the Deulund bare wire configuration took the prize…

When I discovered Oyaide BM V2 PC a few months ago and I was so impressed with the sound quality that I just had to take a chance on their IC/SC and again it was a very good find. I did compare the Deulunds head-on-head with the Oyaide Tunami Nigor V2 and in my system, NO Comparison…

I found the Oyaide to be much more refined sounding with better sound-staging (precision) imaging, depth, bass and transparency, in fact, the Deulunds sounded splashy in comparison and you will hear much more information with more speed and impact. The Deulunds are very airy sounding and I’m guessing that aspect is obscuring and masking low level detail; couldn’t believe what I was hearing and this was obvious from the start.

My Oyaide 2.5M were around 440 from an authorized dealer in Japan and I’m very happy with their SQ.


@wig, thanks for the information. Now the next bridge to cross is do I buy the speaker cables already made or save over $100 and purchase the wire and make them myself?