What's your investment threshold?

This question only goes out to those like myself who enjoy the system gains running better cables bring.  Non-believers can save their money and comments for another thread.

Do you impose on yourself a percentage range for cable spending relative to other components?

Speaking for myself, I do consider cables to be a component decision worthy of budget, but I seem to have stayed in the 10-30% range of what I've spent on other components.  I can't see spending $1k for a cable on a $1k component for example.  I have spent $1,500 for speaker cables for a $6k amp.  That seems nearer the high end of my range but it still fits. 

I realized I haven't planned this as a hard rule, but that's kind of how this has worked out for me over time.  Anyone out there think a much higher percentage is justified?  I won't argue because these improvements are worth all the enjoyment you can get, so more power to you.

Cables are only part of the puzzle: room treatments, racks, footers, fuses, contact enhancers -- the list goes on.

For my system, cables are 22% of the cost of the entire system and other "tweaks" a further 29% i.e. over half of the cost of the system is in accessories 🤭
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I've never gone to the trouble of limiting, and therefore, quantifying cables as a percentage of system costs. I just buy what I think will work best. Doing a quick and dirty computation, cables come out to about 33% of total system costs. 

Add in the many cables I've boughten, it gets a lot worse, so I just factored in the contents of my present system. I don't regret it one bit.

All the best,
Do you impose on yourself a percentage range for cable spending relative to other components?

No. I don't crunch numbers, I listen to music.
That doesn't mean that there aren't cables that I can't afford, but I don't look at any system percentages when buying, only $$$ values.

I have spent $1,500 for speaker cables for a $6k amp.

Does $1,500 speaker cables count as compared to your amp, or your speakers, or both?
As far as cables go I pretty much always buy used and have learned there is probably less correlation to $$ and great sound then with other gear. Plenty of relatively speaking affordable cable can sound great in a suitable system. Also there are so many great deals on used cables its easy to buy and try and resell and try another. I have personally maxed out at $6-700 but for cables that retail anywhere  from $15-2500. And I have another one on the way, I must be sick or something :p