Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Tomic we are noble enough to acknowlege true innovation.

Your definition of innovation and ours differ greatly. Making a cone with a balsa wood core vs a foam core doesn’t speak to us as real innovation, that is called a pivot.

MBL Radialstratters, the original OHM F, the Quad ESL 63 and 57, the Alison 1, the B&W Matrix, the B&W Natulus, the KEF 104, are revolutionary designs even the Wilson Watt would fit this mold, while the latter Magico Mini would not.

Even Lawrence Dickies new company Vivid who at shown above has a large amount of patented technologies, these new drivers are evolutionary designs.

We are not immaturely deriding anything, are you not grown up enough to have a civil disscusion on the nature of what constitutes revolution vs evolution?

We don’t think you are running down any of our choice of designers.

It is always refreshing to see what a polarizing thing audio is and how passionate people are about what they purchase.

The interesting thing between you and us, it that we are not aligned to any one designer or company, if we find a better product we move out of one company and into another.

What is really interesting is the amount of Vandy, Wilson, Tekton fans and how they doggidily hold on to their viewpoints and whoa be it to you who dares to get them to question their beliefs.

Good evening Tomic.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Say what you like to save face, but it has not escaped my notice that the only typos in your message to me were offensive bastardizations of my name. By the way, despite what you may be telling yourself, your rants here are serving to make certain that I (and I am certain most/many others) would never consider doing business with you. You lack class. Unlike Johnny Rutan, who, as always, works from a position of calm, right, and live and let live. I know you do not take advice from anyone (theres a name for that), but if you were ever receptive to some advice, it would be to stop. Just stop.
Paging Dale Carnegie. Paging Mr. Dale Carnegie.  Will Mr. Carnegie please respond? Urgent- we have a situation.
Repluso, why don’t you just stop.

There are many people who actually learn something from our posts.

The fanboy posts of many people don’t tell people anything that they don’t allready know.

For everyone like you who complains, there are many people who sit back silently and read these posts and are enlightened by them.

The fact that you think we are shilling this product is amusing, when hificrazed come out of nowhere and posted 17 times about the speakers.

With the Adantes we talked at length about the speakers flaws and that they require careful matching and people still may not like them and have a particular kind of sound, and we get nothing but abuse for telling the perceived flaws,as well as what the speakers do right.

If you also notice in any of our posts we back up our statements, we almost never claim revolutionary anything. 99.9% of audio is based on slight changes to what has come before, there are exceptions Nelson Pass, David Berning, T+A’s HV series, and a few other electonics manufacturers have really used some new thinking.

When we talk about Paradigm Personas in the shop we do high light the advantages of Beryilium drivers but never do we say that these drivers are revolutionary when Focal and others made Beryilium drivers before even though Paradigms drivers have a lot of unique new technolgies building a speaker with a phase aligning lens or Beryillium drivers of even long throw suspensions isn’t new thinking it is a new set of packaging a lot of different technolgies into a new driver.

When we talk about Legacy we don’t call them revolutionary either, Legacy makes an outstanding loudspeaker with some fantastic drivers that sound a particular way and are priced very reasonably.

People like you look for what they perceive is wrong in the world, your viewpoint is therefore narrow, the same way the Fsonic made a ludicrous statement about Legacy’s speakers not being reviewed and lo and behold they have three Editors choice awards in the Absolute Sound as well as rave reviews from many other magazines.

What started all of this is our opinion that Maggies and Vandy’s have particular attributes if you notice we never said these speakers are bad and the ones we sell are better, we decribed what they both accurately sound like, and we take tradeins all the time and we have had traded in Vandy as well as Maggies.

The point was to know your customer, if you like live music, rock and jazz and like a visceral presentation and are willing to work with the Elacs they are going to be fantastic, if you prefer a more melodic sound, richer tone, want a big soundstage and warm full bodied bass you will love the Vandy, if you like a big sound, with clean treble detail, and are not a bass freak, don’t crank it up and play loud and have the space you will like Maggies.

Now please tell the readers your experience with all three?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

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