Internal Speaker Cabling

What is the use of Highend speaker cables,when the quality of our speakers internal cabling is inferior than the speaker cables used to connect our amps to our speakers.I guess what I am asking is should the internal speaker cable in most if not all speaker brands be upgraded to a similar highend quality.When for example most audiophiles purchase cables in the thousand of dallars price range.I doubt that speaker manufacturers are even spending hundreds of dollars on internal wire!Please let me know your thoughts Thanks.
Not to be condescending, but it makes no less sense to buy good speaker cable regardless of the internal wiring, than it does to buy a good CDP.

Many people don't want to get their hands dirty with mods, but anyone can hear the improvement with better cables or better CDPs. Whatever people can justify spending to improve the sound of their system is a worthwhile endevor...

The weakest link should be the next thing to improve, but sometimes links get missed because they are not obvious.

You are certainly wrong when you intimate that speaker manufacturers don't pay much attention to the interanl cables. There are as many divergant opinions about cables as there are speaker design, but most speaker makers are very much aware of the internals.

BUT some speaker makers spend the money where it shows, while others spend it where it sounds...
Another way to view this the fact that only a couple feet of wire is used internally, so it dosen't matter as much as the much longer run of external speaker wire.
A funny fact: when I (and others I know) used to use 12ga zip cord for speaker cable years ago..we would occasionally hear police radio transmissions through our systems as a cop car drove by. The idea being..zipcord is 2 parallel unshielded conductors..which acts like a RF antenna, especially when run in a straight 10-20 foot line.
Nrchy: I know manufacturers pay attention to the internal wiring, I simply feel that some pay more attention than others..and I know there are engineers/enthusiasts who say that fancy speaker cabling is all hogwash. These are usually older people who have fixated ideas of what is and what is not..and their hearing is rolled off due to age, so they'll never hear the difference anyway. Oh yeah...and some of those are the same people who design speakers and have wrong opinions about wire.
I recently became a believer in internal speaker wire. After upgrading the cap on the tweeter, on a whim, I replaced the internal wire( Van Den Hul CS-14 hybrid) with the exact same wire of my speaker cabling. The improvement, after a couple of weeks of break-in, was astonishing, equaling or bettering other cable upgrades in the system. All this time, I had internal cabling in the speakers that restricted the flow of the music, actually clogging up the flow of the finer nuances of the music. The problem now is, I'm stuck with both the speakers and the speaker cables, but that's okay with me. I'm happier now that the music is being portrayed more naturally in my room.